Roger Steve Ruiz is a software engineer.

Writing about Linux.

Linux is my operating system of choice when it comes to deploying software.

Here you’ll find lots of great information on how to work with Linux tools & operating systems. Some of this can apply to macOS since its built on top of the Darwin distribution. A lot of the posts are general topics but may also dive deeply into a particular distribution. But if you’re looking for specific Linux-flavored writing for macOS, you’ll want to look here 👀.

2 posts
automation linux
27 Apr 2021 3 min read

Iterating again and again

Let’s iterate across files using ls and grep to copy or move files from a parent directory into a bunch of sibling directories related to the file. We can do this in an automated way using the commands mentioned above.

devex linux mac
22 Jun 2017 7 min read

Smooth terminal

This is a review of the decisions that went into my $PS1 while also discussing some customized fonts using NerdFonts and iTerm2.