Roger Steve Ruiz is a software engineer.
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Serve Hugo sites on your local network

Written on 04 Mar 2023 (Link to this post)
devex hugo

When doing local web development, it’s useful to have multiple devices to view your site. This is especially true with mobile-first design & starting a Hugo project from scratch. This neat feature will help you do this reliably across development environments.

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Working with Hugo projects locally is great and can be made better because it supports using your local network to serve its local content across your computer network. This is especially useful when you’re on your home network and would like to see the Hugo site rendered in a different device besides where the server is running.

With one simple command you can do this like this:

hugo serve --bind $(ipconfig getifaddr en0) --baseURL http://$(ipconfig getifaddr en0)/

When you’re using Hugo to serve your site locally, you can bind and add a base URL flag to the serve function which will allow you to view your site while developing locally on devices that are on the same network. I use this regularly to develop and view the content on my desktop and my phone at the same time. This allows me to really get things right at a variety of screen sizes using the actual browser that renders things.

This is one of the many reasons I like developing static sites with Hugo. It’s ease of use, speed, and features make it a really well-rounded static site generator.

The command(s) you need

So the easiest way to learn how to do this is to take a look at the local output of hugo help serve. When you run this, you’ll see that there are two flags you can add to hugo serve to help.

Looking through Hugo’s help
hugo help serve | rg -e '--(baseURL|bind)'
Output from the previous command
# output
  -b, --baseURL string         hostname (and path) to the root, e.g.
      --bind string            interface to which the server will bind (default "")

With these two flags, you can now construct a command that will let you view your Hugo site on your computer and another device on your network such as your phone or tablet.

Serving Hugo with your local IP
hugo serve \
    --bind $(ipconfig getifaddr en0) \
    --baseURL "http://$(ipconfig getifaddr en0)/"

These two commands together are important. While the --bind flag updates the interface where the serve will bind to, the --baseURL flag fixes any issues you might have locally when developing your Hugo site and using absolute URLs where you don’t add the domain site.

I do this regularly so I don’t have to hard-code or worry what domain a site is being deployed on. In other words, my paths look like this: /img/png/jpeg.gif. This is instead of hard-coding the base URL like: or using Hugo’s site variables like {{ .Site.BaseURL }}/img/png/jpeg.gif. The second example is something that doesn’t play well with Markdown content out-of-the-box.

Because of this, it’s important to use --bind and --baseURL locally and use ipconfig getifaddr en0 to get your local IP address.

Another command to get your IP address

If you’re on a Mac, you have a command-line tool by Apple which can also help you get your IP address. It’s much slower than using ipconfig so I didn’t mention it at first. But if you’re curious, you can use system_profiler and jq to get similar information, and so much more, by querying your running system.

Using system_profiler to get the network address
system_profiler \
    SPNetworkDataType \
    -json \
    | jq -r '.SPNetworkDataType[] | select(._name == "Wi-Fi") | .IPv4.Addresses[]'

As I mentioned though, it’s much slower than ipconfig relatively. I wouldn’t recommend using system_profiler over ipconfig. But it’s always best to know how to do something in multiple ways. Especially if you’re familiar with jq and need to extract more information in from the network information without relying on matching regular expressions.

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devex hugo