Roger Steve Ruiz is a software engineer.
Reading time: 15 mins

Data classes in Python

Written on 20 Feb 2024 (Link to this post)
devex programming

Using Data Classes in Python is a super convenient way to represent data & properties assigned to a class. It saves you from having to implement your own special methods like __init__ & makes managing the class a breeze when requirements change for how the underlying data is represented.

Table of contents

Let’s talk classes in Python. They’re a great way to organize functions & behaviors that center around a particular instance of data & functionality. A simple class is with an __init__ method to initialize some properties on the instance. There are other special methods in Python like the __repr__ method to get a string representation of the class among others. Below I’ll break down what kinds of special methods you’ll need to add to your class to get the most out of using them & how to simplify writing classes when they’re centered around data specifically using Data Classes.


Python 3.7 introduced Data Classes as described in PEP 557 . A Data Class is a way to write less boilerplate around classes by using the @dataclass decorator to add special methods based on the variables defined in the class that use type annotations.

If you’d like to read more about them yourself, you read the documentation linked above.

The inspiration for this post was reading through the Pydantic documentation on dataclass which lead me back to these very useful class decorators for data-driven classes in Python.

Writing a data-driven class the long way

Okay, so bare with me here. The next few sections are going to show you how to write a good-practice data-driven class without using the Data Classes library in Python >= 3.7.

Curious to see @dataclass in action?

If you’d like to skip examples of special methods for a Python class without Data Classes then ⬇️ you can skip to that section by clicking here .
class SimpleFlag:
  """Class for setting up flag objects with a name & a status."""
  def __init__(self, name: str, is_active: bool): str = name
    self.is_active: bool = is_active

  def __repr__(self) -> str:
      a = self.is_active
      n =
      return f'Simple Flag name: {n} & status: {a}'

  def toggle(self):
    self.is_active = not self.is_active

This works OK, but we aren’t done!. There’s a whole set of special methods missing here that need to be implemented. Things like initializing & printing values are the bare minimum here.

Setting up equality checking

First, let’s start with checking for equality. This is useful if we’re passing around flags & want to compare them to each other. Here’s the code for adding the __eq__ & __ne__ short for equal & not equal respectively.

Implementing equality too
# ... further down ``

  def __eq__(self, compa):
    if compa.__class__ is self.__class__:
      return (, self.is_active) == (, compa.is_active)
      return NotImplemented

  def __ne__(self, compa):
    result = self.__eq__(compa)
    if result is NotImplemented:
      return NotImplemented
      return not result

Now that we can compare instances of SimpleFlag, we can think about hashability & making this class hashable. In order to do that we’ll need to create a __hash__ deterministic method that returns a value based on the unique properties of the class.

💡 What's "hashable" mean for a class in Python?

Understanding why hashability is important

To understand what a hashable object is in Python, let’s define what hashability means & why it’s needed. You need to make your class hashable when you will use instances as items in a dictionary or set. Python includes a hash() function that you can use with arguments consisting of properties of the class.

The __hash__ special method needs to return an integer with the same value every time so it only works best when the arguments being passed-in are immutable. To be able to use the __hash__ method, you’ll need to implement a __eq__ as well.

Practical uses for hashable classes

Having a hashable class is important so you can create class instances that can be used as keys in dictionaries. This allows for efficient lookup & retrieval. When using class instances in a set, you can then filter & de-duplicate data. Lastly, hashable classes are needed for creating custom data structures such as bloom filters & hash tables.

Implementing hashing also
# ... even further down ``

  def __hash__(self):
    return hash((self.__class__,, self.is_active))

Now if we make the instance hashable, we have to initialize our class properties name & is_active arguments immutable.

Making properties immutable manually

Okay, so the next step is to re-write the __init__ method & add the @property decorator to new methods for the properties to be able to access them.

Making properties immutable
# ... making the new changes to `__init__` & adding property access methods

  def __init__(self, name: str, is_active: bool):
    self.__name: str = name
    self.__is_active: bool = is_active

  def name(self) -> str:
    return self.__name

  def is_active(self) -> bool:
    return self.__is_active

As you can see in the highlighted sections above, that’s a lot to be adding to this simple class, but so far we have immutability in our class, hashing in case you want to store instances in a dictionary, along with checking for equality or not, being able to print the values of the class in a string representation, & initialization of the class.

Another thing to keep in mind here is that because we’ve used double-underscores or dunders (__) as the prefix to our properties in the class, we now have to modify our access of these properties in the class with the same prefix. For the next change, I’ll use the new __ prefix when accessing the properties, but keep in mind that you have to update how you access properties internally in the class when you make properties immutable.

Setting up comparison methods

We’re still missing one major feature, & that’s sorting. So we have to implement those special methods as well below.

Implementing sorting as well
# ... further still down ``

  def __lt__(self, compa):
    if compa.__class__ is self.__class__:
      return (self.__name, self.__is_active) < (compa.__name, compa.__is_active)
      return NotImplemented

  def __le__(self, compa):
    if compa.__class__ is self.__class__:
      return (self.__name, self.__is_active) <= (compa.__name, compa.__is_active)
      return NotImplemented

  def __gt__(self, compa):
    if compa.__class__ is self.__class__:
      return (self.__name, self.__is_active) > (compa.__name, compa.__is_active)
      return NotImplemented

  def __ge__(self, compa):
    if compa.__class__ is self.__class__:
      return (self.__name, self.__is_active) >= (compa.__name, compa.__is_active)
      return NotImplemented

With those last changes, we now have a fully implemented class with the special methods needed for initializing, printing, sorting, comparing, & hashability. We’re done with this class as long as none of the properties need to be changed.

Check out the whole file for

Below I’ve highlighted all the special methods that have been added to in a single file. You can see that there are 11 methods that were added to the class.
class SimpleFlag:
  """Class for setting up flag objects with a name & a status."""
  def __init__(self, name: str, is_active: bool):
    self.__name: str = name
    self.__is_active: bool = is_active

  def name(self) -> str:
    return self.__name

  def is_active(self) -> bool:
    return self.__is_active

  def __repr__(self) -> str:
      a = self.__is_active
      n = self.__name
      return f'Simple Flag name: {n} & status: {a}'

  def toggle(self):
    self.__is_active = not self.__is_active

  def __eq__(self, compa):
    if compa.__class__ is self.__class__:
      return (self.__name, self.__is_active) == (compa.__name, compa.__is_active)
      return NotImplemented

  def __ne__(self, compa):
    result = self.__eq__(compa)
    if result is NotImplemented:
      return NotImplemented
      return not result

  def __hash__(self):
    return hash((self.__class__, self.__name, self.__is_active))

  def __lt__(self, compa):
    if compa.__class__ is self.__class__:
      return (self.__name, self.__is_active) < (compa.__name, compa.__is_active)
      return NotImplemented

  def __le__(self, compa):
    if compa.__class__ is self.__class__:
      return (self.__name, self.__is_active) <= (compa.__name, compa.__is_active)
      return NotImplemented

  def __gt__(self, compa):
    if compa.__class__ is self.__class__:
      return (self.__name, self.__is_active) > (compa.__name, compa.__is_active)
      return NotImplemented

  def __ge__(self, compa):
    if compa.__class__ is self.__class__:
      return (self.__name, self.__is_active) >= (compa.__name, compa.__is_active)
      return NotImplemented

Adding more properties to the class

Now let’s add a new feature to our because tracking name & is_active is not enough. We also want to track a new property named created_at. In order to do this, you’ll need to modify nine methods & add a new @property decorator to a new method to return the immutable created_at value. This would mean modifying all the code that sets properties & gets properties from the class. It also means all of the comparison & hash methods will need to be modified.

Taking the original file & modifying it with all the changes I mentioned produces a fairly large diff using git diff --no-index --stat for just adding a single property.

Adding created_at to the class => | 24 ++++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
If you're curious about seeing all the changes you can click here.

As you can see below, there are a lot of modifications that need to be made just because there was a single property added to the class. As more properties get added to a class, you’ll need to modify more & more sections of your class in the similar ways.

Modifying the class to add created_at
diff --git a/ b/
index 500590a..7507354 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
+from datetime import datetime
 class SimpleFlag:
   """Class for setting up flag objects with a name & a status."""
-  def __init__(self, name: str, is_active: bool):
+  def __init__(self, name: str, is_active: bool, created_at: datetime):
     self.__name: str = name
     self.__is_active: bool = is_active
+    self.__created_at: datetime = created_at

   def name(self) -> str:
@@ -12,17 +15,22 @@ class SimpleFlag:
   def is_active(self) -> bool:
     return self.__is_active

+  @property
+  def created_at(self) -> datetime:
+    return self.__created_at
   def __repr__(self) -> str:
+      c = self.__created_at
       a = self.__is_active
       n = self.__name
-      return f'Simple Flag name: {n} & status: {a}'
+      return f'Simple Flag created at: {c}, name: {n}, & status: {a}'

   def toggle(self):
     self.is_active = not self.is_active

   def __eq__(self, compa):
     if compa.__class__ is self.__class__:
-      return (self.__name, self.__is_active) == (compa.__name, compa.__is_active)
+      return (self.__name, self.__is_active, self.__created_at) == (compa.__name, compa.__is_active, compa.__created_at)
       return NotImplemented

@@ -34,28 +42,28 @@ class SimpleFlag:
       return not result

   def __hash__(self):
-    return hash((self.__class__, self.__name, self.__is_active))
+    return hash((self.__class__, self.__name, self.__is_active, self.__created_at))

   def __lt__(self, compa):
     if compa.__class__ is self.__class__:
-      return (self.__name, self.__is_active) < (compa.__name, compa.__is_active)
+      return (self.__name, self.__is_active, self.__created_at) < (compa.__name, compa.__is_active, compa.__created_at)
       return NotImplemented

   def __le__(self, compa):
     if compa.__class__ is self.__class__:
-      return (self.__name, self.__is_active) <= (compa.__name, compa.__is_active)
+      return (self.__name, self.__is_active, self.__created_at) <= (compa.__name, compa.__is_active, compa.__created_at)
       return NotImplemented

   def __gt__(self, compa):
     if compa.__class__ is self.__class__:
-      return (self.__name, self.__is_active) > (compa.__name, compa.__is_active)
+      return (self.__name, self.__is_active, self.__created_at) > (compa.__name, compa.__is_active, compa.__created_at)
       return NotImplemented

   def __ge__(self, compa):
     if compa.__class__ is self.__class__:
-      return (self.__name, self.__is_active) >= (compa.__name, compa.__is_active)
+      return (self.__name, self.__is_active, self.__created_at) >= (compa.__name, compa.__is_active, compa.__created_at)
       return NotImplemented

Now that’s a lot of changes to add or remove properties. It’s easy to make a mistake as well as you’re finding & replacing text. Thankfully, there is a better way to write classes in Python where these 11 methods & more are added automatically. These classes are called Data Classes. They are a great way to succinctly define classes that store data.

Writing our SimpleFlag class with dataclasses

To write the same class from above using the Data Classes decorator, you will first notice that there is a lot less method definitions involved.

➡️ You can read all the special methods that get added to the class automatically along with the arguments to the @dataclass decorator here .
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime

class SimpleFlag:
  name: str
  is_active: bool
  created_at: datetime

  def toggle(self):
    self.is_active = not self.is_active

Your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you. That’s it. As PEP 557 said, this is a convenient way to create classes. The @dataclass decorator takes the type annotations from the class variables definitions & adds the following special methods to our SimpleFlag instance.

Assigning default values

You can also assign default values to properties is straight-forward. Taking the example above, let’s add a default value of False to the is_active property if it’s not passed in.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime

class SimpleFlag:
  name: str
  is_active: bool = True
  created_at: datetime

  def toggle(self):
    self.is_active = not self.is_active

Adding immutability to Data Classes

Next, let’s add immutability to SimpleFlag by passing the frozen=True keyword argument into the decorator call.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime

class SimpleFlag:
  name: str
  is_active: bool
  created_at: datetime

  def toggle(self):
    self.is_active = not self.is_active

Now the Data Classes library will add following special methods as well.

Modifying properties by creating new copies

With the frozen=True keyword argument in the decorator call for the Data Class, you can’t modify properties of an instance directly anymore. But. You can create a copy with a different value for an immutable property like so.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime

class SimpleFlag:
  name: str
  is_active: bool
  created_at: datetime

  def toggle(self):
    self.is_active = not self.is_active

def main():
  prod_flag = SimpleFlag("prod", false,
  modified_prod_flag = dataclasses.replace(prod_flag, is_active=True)

With the dataclasses.replace() function, you pass in the class you’d like to modify as the first argument with keyword arguments for the properties you’d like to modify.

It is possible to still modify properties when the class has immutable properties. There’s an example further along that shows how to modify a property when frozen=True is passed into the decorator using the object.__setattr__ method .

Adding ordering to Data Classes

Adding comparisons to a Data Class is easy with the order=True argument passed into the decorator.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime

class SimpleFlag:
  name: str
  is_active: bool
  created_at: datetime

  def toggle(self):
    self.is_active = not self.is_active

All of the following special methods get generated. The comparison is done between tuples of the classes fields, in order.

Adding a sort_index to control ordering

While order=True writes our functions for us, we can still control ordering operations by tying them to a particular property on the class.
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from datetime import datetime

class SimpleFlag:
  sort_index: int = field(init=False, repr=False)
  name: str
  is_active: bool
  created_at: datetime

  def toggle(self):
    self.is_active = not self.is_active

  def __post_init__(self):
    self.sort_index = self.created_at

Take a look at the highlighted sections above. First, we have to import a new function from dataclasses called field. We need to this to control how the sort_order property gets initialized and how it’s represented in string form. You can also see that there’s a new special method that we need to add to our class to run after the initializing step. This is where we set the value for sort_order from the created_at property. This will now be the property that is used in rich comparisons like, >, >=, <, <=.

Setting sort_index when the class is immutable

If you’re using frozen=True & order=True in the decorator, you won’t be able to set variables in the __post_init__ method in the same way as above. Instead of assigning a value to the property on self directly, you’ll need to use the object.__setattr__ method to assign a value to the immutable property.
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from datetime import datetime

@dataclass(order=True, frozen=True)
class SimpleFlag:
  sort_index: int = field(init=False, repr=False)
  name: str
  is_active: bool
  created_at: datetime

  def toggle(self):
    self.is_active = not self.is_active

  def __post_init__(self):
    object.__setattr__(self, 'sort_index', self.created_at)

As you can see from the highlight above, the function signature is the object (self), the property (sort_index), and the value (self.created_at) for that property.

Setting default values

With Data Classes you can also set defaults for properties of the class. You may have noticed this in the example for the section Assigning default values where we made the is_active property have a default value of True.

While this works well with types such as bool, str, or int. But for types like dict, list, or set, we will need to set it the value for the property with the field function and the argument default_factory=<type>.

Creating properties that are unique to an instance

When working with Data Classes, you will have to use the fields function from the dataclasses library to make certain mutable properties unique to the instance. Bellow we’ll create a new tags property that is a list of strings.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime

class SimpleFlag:
  name: str
  is_active: bool
  created_at: datetime
  tags: list[str] = []

  def toggle(self):
    self.is_active = not self.is_active

In this example above, the list will be shared across all instances of the class. In order to make tags unique, we will need to import the fields function from dataclasses and set a default_factory argument equal to the list function in Python.
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from datetime import datetime

class SimpleFlag:
  name: str
  is_active: bool
  created_at: datetime
  tags: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)

  def toggle(self):
    self.is_active = not self.is_active

With the highlighted code added above, you will now have the tags property unique for each instance of SimpleFlag.

Whew, & that’s a wrap folks

I’ve covered a lot in this post. Python classes can be written in two distinct ways such as a behavior-driven class or a data-driven class. If you’re writing the latter of these types, you will want to write much less boilerplate & use the new @dataclass decorator to make the maintenance of Python classes much easier without having to create special methods that could lead to mistakes if they’re written manually. Thanks for reading!

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