Table of Contents for your Hugo pages
Setting up table of contents sections in Hugo pages can be as complicated as you’d like. Let’s breakdown how I use it to hopefully inspire you to experiment with this useful feature.
You’ll find writing here geared towards learning & teaching. I use like using this topic to cover things that I wish I had known while learning something as well.
Setting up table of contents sections in Hugo pages can be as complicated as you’d like. Let’s breakdown how I use it to hopefully inspire you to experiment with this useful feature.
Want to get really good at programming? Use Exercism. Want to get really good while using your own personal development environment? Use Nix. I’ll show you how to manage each Exercism track using Nix Shells. I hope it inspires you to try out Nix when using Exercism.
Using code blocks in Hugo is helpful when you’ve got to show some code in your posts. But labeling & highlighing them beyond the syntax highlighting helps the experience of your readers immensely.
Writing content & generating websites with Hugo can be a delight when everything is going smoothly. But what if things don’t go smoothly? I’ll go over the different ways to work with Hugo while debugging its data structures.
I’ve been using Vim for 8 years and found that it was finally time to migrate my development environment over to Neovim. This meant learning about Lua and writing Lua configuration files for Neovim. My journey was cathartic and took less than a week.