Roger Steve Ruiz is a software engineer.

Writing about Developer Experience.

I’ve been interested Developer Experience since before the industry started seeing its value on engineering teams. For me, what you build is just as important as how you build it.

These posts are an exercise in my passion for finding ways to write solutions that improve the flow state, feedback loop, and lessen the cognitive load of developers building software. There’s lots of things to cover when it comes to these improvements so these posts vary across other topics as well.

13 posts
devex programming
20 Feb 2024 15 min read

Data classes in Python

Using Data Classes in Python is a super convenient way to represent data & properties assigned to a class. It saves you from having to implement your own special methods like __init__ & makes managing the class a breeze when requirements change for how the underlying data is represented.

devex learning nix
01 Feb 2024 9 min read

Using Nix with Exercism

Want to get really good at programming? Use Exercism. Want to get really good while using your own personal development environment? Use Nix. I’ll show you how to manage each Exercism track using Nix Shells. I hope it inspires you to try out Nix when using Exercism.

devex hugo learning
26 Jan 2024 7 min read

Labeling Code Blocks in Hugo

Using code blocks in Hugo is helpful when you’ve got to show some code in your posts. But labeling & highlighing them beyond the syntax highlighting helps the experience of your readers immensely.

devex mac nix
23 Jan 2024 8 min read

Using TouchID with Tmux

As I transition my dotfiles configurations over to Nix away from Homebrew & Chezmoi, I found myself elevating my priviledges a lot more than usual. Having to type my password so much lead me to question my life choices and how I can improve things for myself. In my research, I learned about using TouchID for Sudo, but quickly found that it didn’t work in Tmux.

automation devex mac nix programming
19 Jan 2024 11 min read

Using launchd to keep up appearances

I’ve covered how to automate appearances in macOS before using the Defaults CLI to check for values in the user defaults system. While this works well, I’ll show you how you can use launchd to automate things while using Nix Darwin to manage the functionality without having to write any XML.

devex hugo
04 Mar 2023 3 min read

Serve Hugo sites on your local network

When doing local web development, it’s useful to have multiple devices to view your site. This is especially true with mobile-first design & starting a Hugo project from scratch. This neat feature will help you do this reliably across development environments.

devex hugo learning programming
02 Mar 2023 4 min read

Various ways to debug in Hugo

Writing content & generating websites with Hugo can be a delight when everything is going smoothly. But what if things don’t go smoothly? I’ll go over the different ways to work with Hugo while debugging its data structures.

automation devex mac
23 Nov 2022 7 min read

Apple Interface Style & TUI

macOS-based Night mode supported scripting to update various configurations across different development environment tools including, Alacritty, Tmux, Neovim, Starship, and Bat.

automation cloud devex
21 Nov 2022 11 min read

Using the new Gandi provider

Manage your Gandi DNS records via Terraform with open source tools and free commercial products. Also, setup your repository for better documentation writing with Vale.

automation devex git
01 Oct 2021 4 min read

Check for changes on git pull

As projects grow, there are dependencies that fall outside of the project’s dependency graph. This means that there are some actions you need to perform on your code base when things change. Using the post-merge git-hook can help automate this for your team.

devex linux mac
22 Jun 2017 7 min read

Smooth terminal

This is a review of the decisions that went into my $PS1 while also discussing some customized fonts using NerdFonts and iTerm2.