Roger Steve Ruiz is a software engineer.

Senior software engineer

at HashiCorp from Mar 2019 Apr 2021

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Helping ship Terraform Enterprise as part of a small team to various large enterprise customers.

As a senior software engineer at HashiCorp, I worked on the Terraform Enterprise (TFE) product team. In this role, I sat in on customer support calls & researched how to best implement automated customer installations of TFE across various public & private clouds. My main focus while there was working with AWS & Azure along with some authoring tooling for working with SELinux & VMWare ESXi.

One of my primary responsibilities was to contribute to the architecture & system design of TFE. This involved understanding the inner-workings of the TFC offering & devising solutions that would enhance its performance & scalability when operated by engineers outside of HashiCorp.

To meet this task, I delved deep into the architecture of TFE, dissecting its components & identifying areas for improvement. Drawing upon my expertise in operating & maintaining software systems, I proposed enhancements that would optimize resource utilization & bolster the TFE instance’s reliability.

Additionally, recognizing the importance of accessibility & flexibility, I documented a custom air-gapped installation process for TFE using Squid. This comprehensive guide provided users with clear instructions on how to deploy the platform in environments with restricted internet access, thereby expanding its usability & appeal across particular customers.

I collaborated closely with customer support engineers to refine our feedback loop. By actively seeking insights from customers, I gained valuable perspective on common challenges & pain points. Leveraging this feedback, I help implement iterative improvements to TFE, ensuring that user concerns were addressed promptly & effectively.

As part of my efforts to foster growth & efficiency within the team, I spearheaded initiatives to enhance developer on-boarding processes. By revamping our training materials & streamlining on-boarding procedures, I facilitated the seamless integration of new team members, allowing us to scale our team size by 50%.

Through these concerted actions, I made significant contributions to the advancement of TFE. My involvement in system design & architecture laid the foundation for a more robust & scalable platform, capable of meeting the evolving needs of users. The documentation of the air-gapped installation process expanded the platform’s reach, making it accessible to users operating in highly-regulated environments.

Moreover, my collaboration with customer support engineers led to tangible improvements in our feedback loop, resulting in more responsive & user-centric development practices. Finally, by enhancing developer on-boarding processes, I facilitated the expansion of our team, ensuring that we had the resources & expertise needed to drive continued growth & success.